Monday, April 17, 2006

First Chapel Building in Sabah

Saturday, 1 April 2006
What a blessing it is for the Kota Kinabalu saints. Their first chapel building, the first in the state of Sabah and the second in the whole of Malaysia. Today, the saints moved in the double-storey building. I was so grateful for the opportunity to see the completed building, set on a hill corner of Jalan Kolam and Jalan Kebajikan, Luyang.

Driveway to the gate and the entrance of the chapel.

Driveway to the parking lots.

Chapel, seen from the east side of the compound.

Chapel, seen from the back side of the compound.

Chapel, seen from the west side of the compound.

Chapel, seen from the front.

Elder Blackburn & Elder Capone!

2 Good friends of President Telford: Sister Irene and her friend Ivy - at the church sign board.

Picture on the wall in the Reception/Sitting Room - Ground Floor

Babies' Room - Ground Floor! These are big babies: Edny and Darren. And the picture on the wall above them!

Corridor of the offices, Primary. Walkway to the back entrance and the lift to the first floor.

Picture on the wall outside the baptismal hall.

Picture on the wall outside the Presidents' offices. Our local bred stripling warriors: Elder Dinopol, Jr. and Elder Wong

Going upstairs to the 1st Floor.

Babies' Room on the 1st floor and the picture on the wall.

Corridor to the Assembly (Sacrament) hall, and the picture on the wall.

The Assembly (Sacrament) Hall.

The big screen for watching church conference.

Let's pretend that Sister Maylin is giving a talk at the pulpit

And let's pretend that sweet little Angelie is playing the sacrament piano.

Back Entrance on the 1st Floor and the stairways down.

Walkway (corridor) from the Sacrament Hall to the Babies' room - 1st floor.

Pictures on the wall of the Relief Society and the Young Women Room, respectively, on the 1st floor.

Views of the outside from the 1st floor.

Going out of the church compound.

The Chapel at night!

The following pictures were sent to me early this year, before the chapel was completed:

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